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Choir Fees

All monthly payments are due on the 15th of each month.

  • A late fee of $10 will be added to any monthly assessment payment not received by the 15th of the month.

  • ​All payments are nonrefundable.

  • Full balance is due by November 15.

2023-2024 Show Choir Fees Are As Follows:

  • Goldenaires or Expressions: $600.00

  • New Direction: $200.00


Check Account Balance

Please login to your account to view your current balance.

Contact Mrs. Jennifer Pollard or Ms. Jenna Crafts with questions.

To participate in the DCHS Choir Program means you understand the financial obligations set forth. Our group is one of the most active in the entire school corporation. Consequently, we incur expenses that are not covered by the school district. As a result, fees are charged to each member to cover costs incurred while participating in the organization.


You will be notified in advance of all costs and given a formal timeline for payment.  Keep in mind that a student’s HS diploma may be withheld until all financial obligations are met.



Financial Accountability: It is expected that all fee payments be made according to the published predetermined payment schedule. If for any reason you are unable to adhere to the predetermined payment schedule you MUST communicate such to the Treasurer and put in place a Payment Plan Agreement immediately. This agreement must be agreed upon and signed by both the parent and the Treasurer.  


Student Accounts

  • Each student in the DCHS Choir has an account of his/her own. This account is used to charge and pay portions of choir-related expenses.

  • Students can create credits in their individual account through fundraising or through cash/check /credit card payments.

  • Money can be added to a student’s account at any time. The money in these accounts can be used only for choir-related expenses.  


Procedures for Making Payments

Any and all money must be turned in the following way, to keep your money safe and secure:

  • Money must be placed in a sealed envelope. There are envelopes next to the payment deposit box for your use. On the envelope, include:

    • 1) Student name

    • 2) Amount of money enclosed

    • 3) What the money is for (fees, fundraiser, etc.)

  • Place sealed envelope in the BLUE metal box on the wall in front of Ms. Crafts' office. 

    • DO NOT hand money to any directors/staff!

    • DO NOT leave money on director/staff person’s desk!

  • Make checks payable to DCHS Show Choirs. Include student's name on the memo line

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