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DCHS Choir Boosters 

Every parent of a band student is considered a Choir Booster Member. There is no membership fee to be an active part of the boosters. Choir Boosters is a fun way to be involved in your child's activities and a great way to make friends.


The Show Choir Boosters is a fun way to be involved in your student’s activities and a great way to make friends. Students really appreciate the parent support and look forward to our involvement. We Boosters also benefit from volunteering and going to performances; they are an opportunity to sit together, to make and renew friendships, to enjoy great music, and to cheer on our terrific musicians!


The Choir Boosters meet on the second Wednesday of every month from 6:30-7PM

in the Choir  at Decatur Central High School (inside Door #12).


All parents are welcome to attend. 



The purpose of the DCHS Show Choir Boosters is: 

  1. To promote the Decatur Central High School (DCHS) Show Choir Program  throughout the Decatur Township community.  

  2. To provide information regarding the DCHS Show Choir Program to parents.

  3. To support the educational goals of the DCHS Show Choir Program by providing  all possible assistance to the students and Choir Director.  

  4. To financially support the DCHS Show Choir Program.  

  5. To assist in all performances and performance preparations of the DCHS Show  Choir Program.  

  6. To contribute to the social, moral, physical, and artistic development of the  students involved in the DCHS Show Choir Program.





Miss a booster meeting? View the meeting minutes and stay up-to-date on the latest booster news!


                        • Click here



We will be holding our monthly DCHS Show Choir Booster meeting on Thur. Nov 9th at 7PM. Parents, it is important that you attend these meetings. You will receive information needed for upcoming events and our comp season. We can also answer any questions you may have. Thank you for all you do!

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